Babu Shobha Ram

Babu Shobha Ram Government Arts College, Alwar

Babu Shobha Ram Government Arts College, Alwar

(Part of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)) Affiliated with the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

Alwar, Rajasthan


Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Master of Arts (MA)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


The city of Alwar is constantly improving in the field of education. To impart higher education to his subjects, Maharaja Raj Rishi Dev established Raj Rishi College here on October 2, 1930.

It originally started as an intermediate college, but in 1945 it was upgraded to a graduate college. cycle with schools of arts and commerce.

Graduate courses in science and arts began in 1952, graduate courses in economics and specialized courses in history, political science, and geography in 1967, and law courses in 1972. Given the strength increasing number of its students, Rajrishi College was divided into two separate colleges in the academic year 1978-1979 – ‘Rajrishi College’ with the Faculties of Science and Commerce and the ‘Government Arts College’ with the Faculties of arts and law.
In the absence of suitable buildings, art, and law courses continued at Rajrishi College itself, but in 1984.
BSR Government. The College of Art is located in an urban area and serves a large number of rural students. We are committed to providing opportunities and support for learning for students from all backgrounds through effective scaffolding.

We strive to provide exceptional educational opportunities that meet the needs of our communities, preparing students to meet economic, social, and environmental challenges and actively participate in shaping the world of tomorrow.
Vision Mission
Our vision is to educate young men and women not only as employable human resources but as learned citizens of moral commitment, introspection, and high character. To provide such opportunities and open access to higher education in the arts and humanities to students of all social classes, regardless of creed or color.


Our mission is to make every student employable through comprehensive training and developing the right skills. The institution aims to be a center of academic and research excellence. Universities are governments.
The agency seeks to reach those who are disadvantaged and least inclined to pursue higher education, thereby transforming the uninformed into awake, educated, and capable human resources and citizens.

Babu Shobha Ram

The management of the school reflects and is consistent with the vision and mission of the school to achieve its mission of providing better education, habits, and skills. The College takes great care in imparting knowledge to students by enforcing a reservation policy in accordance with government regulations. Places are reserved for students in this category.
Financial assistance in the form of reduced entrance fees to the above social classes.
Scholarships/scholarships and free books are provided to socially disadvantaged and otherwise able students.
Professors are encouraged to go the extra mile and take additional courses and provide grades to enable them to compete with other students.
Organization of various tests and programs to prepare the weakest pupils for competitive examinations.
Guidance and Counseling of Students by Knowledgeable and Responsive Faculty Provides guidance to these students for further education and other employment.
provides these students with guidance to further their education and other employment.
To inculcate good habits and prepare students for better jobs, the college provides courses on skill and character development to fulfill its mission and vision in the Matsya Mewat district of Rajasthan.
BSR Government Academy of Arts is located in the ARRAVALI region, Alwar is dedicated to the betterment of poor and marginalized groups in Indian society. This objective is achieved through a joint effort aimed at the overall development of students, in particular by enabling them to become actors and contributors to society in general.

Provide students with a quality education through inclusive excellence in teaching and research while maintaining the enduring values ​​of its mission.

The institution strives to achieve its stated goal of providing higher education and research opportunities to students from underrepresented groups, especially SC/ST/OBC students.

To achieve gender equality, equal rights, and opportunities for women, men, girls, and boys, the Academy provides equal opportunities to shape their future and help build the nation and society.



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