CAT EXAM FORM 2023-24, Important Date,Syllabus, Fee

CAT EXAM FORM 2023-24, Important Date, Eligibility, Syllabus, Fee



The Common Admission Test is a computer-based test for admission to graduate management programs. CAT is considered one of the toughest entrance exams in India.

Indian Institute of Management (IIMs)
IIMs is recognized as India’s leading national institution for quality management education and research.  IIM primarily offers graduate, Ph.D.,  and continuing education programs. IIM’s flagship program is a two-year graduate program.

These two-year programs are residential. The Fellow/Doctoral Program in Management (FPM) is a full-time doctoral program in management leading to the award of a Ph.D. The Executive Post Graduate  Program is aimed at professionals.


Admission to IIMs’  two-year graduate program is merit-based and includes a rigorous selection process consisting of face-to-face interviews, written test/group discussion, and scores from the Common Entrance Examination,  commonly known as his CAT. increase. The CAT is an aptitude test administered by IIM primarily to evaluate and select candidates for graduate programs.

This is a computer-based exam and candidates must go through the appropriate registration process to take this annual exam.
According to GOI criteria, IIM gives her SC candidates 15% of the seats, ST candidates 7.5% of the seats, NC-OBC candidates 27% of the seats, and EWS candidates up to 10% of the seats. I have secured it. 5% of seats are reserved for people with Benchmark disabilities. IIM also awards scholarships to students in need of financial assistance.
Indian Institute of Management is the leading institution providing management education in India and the old IIM was established over 50 years before his. There are now 20 of his IIMs in different parts of India.

Common Admission Test
Students are clear on The Common Admission Test and admission to graduate management programs. The test consists of three sections: language and reading comprehension, data interpretation and reasoning, and quantitative skills.

The exam is delivered online over three hours, with each segment lasting one hour. In 2020, due to COVID precautions, the Indian Institute of Management Indore decided to conduct his CAT exam in 2 hours with 40 minutes for each section.
Indian School of Management established this exam and uses this exam to select students for Business Management Program (MBA or PGDM).
This test is administered annually by one of the Indian Institutes of Management under a rotation policy.
In August 2011, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) announced that he would also use his CAT score instead of the Joint Management Entrance Examination (JMET) to select students for management programs. it was done. Batch 2012-15.
Before 2009, the CAT was a paper-based test administered to every candidate in her day. The pattern, set of questions, and duration have undergone major changes over the years.
On May 1, 2009, it was announced that from 2009 the CAT will be a computer-based test. From 2009 to 2013, the American company Prometric was commissioned to carry out the tests.
His first computer-based CAT had technical pitfalls.
The matter was so serious that the Government of India asked the Chairman to report.
This problem has been diagnosed as “Conficker” and “W32 Nimda”. These two viruses attack the test’s system display and cause the server to -slow down.
As of 2014, CAT is performed by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).
CAT 2015 and CAT 2016 were 180-minute tests consisting of 100 questions (34 from quantitative ability, 34 from verbal and reading comprehension, and 32 from data interpretation and logical reasoning). Starting with
CAT 2020, exam time has been reduced to 2 hours and 40 minutes per section

candidates must meet the following criteria:

1 Persons with Disability (PWD)/Differently Able (DA) Classification)
2. The degree shall be awarded by one of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or governmental agency of India or any other educational institution established by Indian law. must be awarded by Recognized by the HRD  Department of the Government of India as being considered a university under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, or holding equivalent qualifications v The Houses of Parliament or the Government of India.
3. Applicants taking the final year of the Bachelor’s Diploma/Equivalence Examination and those who meet the academic


requirements and expected results may also apply. Upon selection, such applicants will only be eligible if they have submitted a certificate from the Director/Registration Authority of the University/Institute (issued before 30 June 2020) by 30 June 2020. You can participate in the program temporarily. Participants must meet all requirements for a 4 or 3-year college education/equivalent qualification at the time the certificate is issued.

Sample Exam –

The Common Admission Test (CAT), like virtually all major exams,  uses multiple forms or versions of the test. So there are two types of scores: raw scores and scaled scores.
A raw score is calculated for each section based on the number of correct, incorrect, and unanswered questions. Candidates receive +3 points for each correct answer and -1 points for each incorrect answer.

No points are awarded for unanswered questions. Raw scores are adjusted through a process called equalization. Equal raw scores are then placed on a common scale or metric to ensure proper interpretation of the scores
This process is called scaling.
Changes in the total number of issues and the number of issues per section only occur in cat, broadly there are 100 issues in each section combined. The first section, Verbal and Reading Comprehension, has 34 questions, further subdivided into 24 Reading Comprehension Questions and 10 Verbal Proficiency Questions. The next section is about data interpretation and logical reasoning and has 32 questions. The last section is 34 questions, a total of 100 quant skills. Since 2020, there have been fluctuations as the paper has been reduced to several questions.
CAT runs in two sessions.


The list of  IIMs –

Sr no Name of institute Year of Establishment State Logo
1 IIM Ahmedabad 1961 Gujarat
2 IIM Calcutta 1961 West Bengal
3 IIM Bangalore 1973 Karnataka
4 IIM Lucknow 1984 Uttar Pradesh
5 IIM Indore 1996 Madhya Pradesh
6 IIM Kozhikode 1996 Kerala
7 IIM Shillong 2007 Meghalaya
8 IIM Raipur 2010 Chhattisgarh
9 IIM Ranchi 2010 Jharkhand
10 IIM Rohtak 2010 Haryana
11 IIM Kashipur 2011 Uttarakhand
12 IIM Tiruchirappalli 2011 Tamil Nadu
13 IIM Udaipur 2011 Rajasthan
14 IIM Amritsar 2015 Punjab
15 IIM Bodh Gaya 2015 Bihar

CAT Exam Schedule and Registration Information:
                                                                                           Each year, the total number of eligible candidates registered is approximately 23,000.

The 2022 CAT exam is scheduled for November 27, 2022. Official notification of the 2022 CAT exams will be issued in the last week of July 2022 or the first week of August 2022 (tentative). will be the official website for 2022 CAT exam notices. Below is a table showing a tentative calendar of events for the CAT exam.
CAT Exam Syllabus: A thorough understanding of the
The CAT exam syllabus is important to guide you through this CAT journey.


The exact test pattern for the
CAT changes each year. A practice test for CAT 2018 is available. The
CAT is a computer-based test consisting of three sections: There were 32 questions for interpretation and reasoning. The distribution of this question has been the same since CAT 2015. Before that, the questions were distributed differently.


CAT Exam- 

The Common Admission Test (CAT Exam) is a national administrative competency test that must be passed to be admitted to MBA courses offered by 20 IIMs and over 1,200 B-schools in India. It’s an exam. More than 2,000 candidates apply for the CAT exam each year.

The CAT exam is conducted in a computer-based mode for two hours.

CAT question papers include MC and non-MC questions from Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR),  and Quantitative Competence (QA).

The difficulty level of the exam is medium to high. Apart from MBA programs, CAT scores apply for admission to Executive MBA, Ph.D., and FPM programs.

Name of the Exam Common Admission Test (CAT)
       CAT Official Website  
Conducting Body Yet to be announced
Exam Duration 2 hours

(160 Minutes for PWD candidates)

CAT Exam Fees INR 1100 (Reserved categories)

INR 2200 (Other categories)

Exam Date Coming soon
Medium of Exam English
CAT Exam Pattern Computer Based Test (CBT)
CAT Exam Question Type MCQ and Non-MCQ questions

Quantitative Aptitude

Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension



What is the CAT  IIMs offering a common entrance examination on a rotating basis for admission to management and business courses? The CAT takes place every year on the last Sunday in November he has three sessions.

The CAT exam consists of three sections.
• Language and Reading (VARC)
• Data Interpretation and Reasoning (DII-LR)
• Quantitative Competence (QA)

 Eligibility criteria –

To qualify for the CAT,  candidates must complete or take the final bachelor’s degree exam with an overall score of at least 50%. The degree shall be awarded by a college registered under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 or by a college declared eligible under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 or equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India. must be awarded.

When should I start preparing for the CAT-

A good time to start preparing for the exam is 12 months in advance. CAT candidates are advised to start preparing at least 11-12 months before the exam due to increased competition and increased peer pressure.
If you have time, you can go back to the basics again in the next month or two.

How to Get the Right Percentiles in Quants-
                                                                                 Practice is the  Key to  Acquiring Quantitative Skills. More practice will help students do well in the quantitative domain. A detailed understanding of the CAT paper patterns and the weighting of each topic is essential for CAT candidates. Achieving a score of 99% on the CAT-QA section requires a good understanding of arithmetic and algebra. How to get a good percentile in DILR.

In the CAT DILR section, 99%ile is achieved by choosing a correct set.  This requires daily practice, so CAT candidates should get into the habit of solving at least 3-5 sets every day. This will help the applicant select the right type of sentence and successfully solve it within the time frame.

Why CAT Coaching

The CAT (Common Admission Test) is a national-level, computerized, and administered admission test administered annually by IIM. The CAT is the highest IIM entrance exam, and candidates can take multiple graduate business administration courses.

The CAT is considered one of the toughest entrance exams in India and a good score is required to apply to top business schools.

CAT 2021 will be held at He IIM Ahmedabad on  28th  November 2021. As CAT scores are the criteria for IIM admission, the candidate should be armed with the best tips and tricks to pass her  CAT exam in the shortest possible time.

To help you pass your CAT exam faster, some CAT coaching apps and online preparation programs are specially designed to help you achieve the highest possible score with simple tricks and methods. Some CAT coaching preparation modules are available offline for the entire program, allowing students to access the entire program anytime, anywhere.


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