JET Agriculture 2023- Application Form, Exam Dates, Syllabus
The JET 2023 Application Form will be released in the second week of April 2023. The application form will be online mode. Candidates need to enter details like name, phone number, application fee, email id, etc. in the application form.
JET 2023 Application Form | Apply Online Here |
The JET Agriculture 2023 Application Form is only available online mode. JET Agriculture (Joint Entrance Test) is also known as JET Rajasthan. This is a state-level entrance examination conducted by the Agricultural University of Jodhpur. The exam is organized for candidates wishing to enter the UG Agriculture program.
Candidates who have passed the entrance examination B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, Dairy Technology, Forestry, Food Technology, Horticulture, etc. Application forms will be issued to candidates who wish to apply for the exam during the 2nd week of April 2023. In this article, we have given details about JET Agriculture or Rajasthan JET Application Form 2023.
JET Application Form Agriculture 2023
See details of the JET Agriculture 2023 application form with some instructions below:
- The JET Agriculture 2023 application form will be released in the second week of April 2023 via online mode.
- Applicants should check the eligibility criteria before applying for the application form.
- Applicants must complete the application form with details such as name, email address, telephone number, academic details, application fee, etc.
- The authorities will also grant correction facilities only to candidates in certain specific areas.
- Correctional facilities will open for a limited time from the fourth week of May 2023.
- The deadline for submitting applications is the second week of May 2023.
- Submit the form and print the application for future reference.
Application Fee:
- Application fees for JET Agriculture can only be submitted online.
- Applicants may pay fees by credit cards, debit cards, and online banking.
- Application fees are not refundable.
The application fee per candidate is as follows:
Application fee per category for general /OBC. 1250 + Bank charges
For SC/ ST/ SAP Rs.1050 + Bank charges
JET Agriculture 2023 Eligibility criteria
The eligibility criteria for JET Agriculture are as follows:
- Age limit: The age limit maximum for applicants is 25 years from 2023 Eligible for admission from 1 January.
- Eligibility: Applicants must have passed Class 12 or the equivalent of the Secondary Education Council of Rajasthan, Ajmer, or any other recognized council.
- Subjects: At the qualifying examinations, candidates must pass physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and agriculture as compulsory subjects. B requires PCMs. technical candidates.
- Marks: Candidates must achieve a minimum mark of at least 50% of the total mark in order to take the exam.
- Relaxation: A relaxation of 5% will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/SBC candidates.
- Emergence: Candidates who pass the 2023 final exam are eligible to apply.
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Application Dates
The application dates for JET Agriculture 2023 are given below:
Event Dates (Tentative)
Subject Topics