Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh About Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) was established under the name of Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (APAU) on the 12th of June 1964 through the APAU Act 1963. Later, it was renamed Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University on the 7th of November, 1996 in honor and memory of the noted Parliamentarian and Kisan Leader, Acharya N. G. Ranga. On the verge of completing of Golden Jubilee Year of the ANGRAU, it has given birth to a new State Agricultural University namely Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University with the bifurcation of the state of Andhra Pradesh as per the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act 2014. The ANGRAU at LAM, Guntur is serving the students and the farmers of 13 districts of the new State of Andhra Pradesh with renewed interest and dedication. Vision To provide opportunities for the citizens of the state and the country for education in the field of agriculture in its broad sense and to promote research and extension programs in agriculture and allied sciences. To strengthen UG and PG teaching through periodic revision of syllabi to meet the challenges in fast changing scenario of agriculture. To generate technologies to improve farm production and income for farmers through location-specific research in the field of agriculture and allied sciences. To provide assistance to test and disseminate the developed technologies to the Government Departments for sustainability and profitability of agriculture To provide opportunities for rural youth and women for learning and adoption of improved agro-technologies. To revitalize the extension activities through the creation of specific infrastructure in each district. Mandate Education – To train human resources needed for agricultural, agricultural engineering, community science, and allied sectors for the development of the State of Andhra Pradesh. Research – To constantly strive to generate technologies for increasing production, productivity, and profitability through interventions in the field of agriculture, agricultural engineering, community science, and allied sectors. Extension – To assist in the process of transfer of technology through the dissemination of knowledge in collaboration with the Agriculture and allied Departments of the Government. Vice-Chancellor’s Message Dr. A. Vishnuvardhan Reddy Vice-Chancellor It is a matter of immense pleasure and privilege to be part of an esteemed alma mater Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University in the capacity of Vice-Chancellor. Under the dynamic leadership of predecessor Vice-Chancellors of ANGRAU, the state of Andhra Pradesh has witnessed a quantum leap in food productivity and production through agro-climate-based, location-specific research strategies of multi-faceted crops covering cereals, pulses, oilseeds, major and minor millets. The contribution of ANGRAU through a slew of technological interventions in developing new varieties, in ushering and transforming Andhra Pradesh into the “Rice Bowl of India” is phenomenal. ADMISSIONS AY 2023-24 2/3 POLYTECHNIC DIPLOMA COURSES B.SC (HONS) AGRICULTURE & B.TECH (FOOD TECHNOLOGY) BI.P.C STREAM ONLY (FARMER & NON-FARMER QUOTA ONLY) B.TECH (AG. ENGG.) B.TECH (FOOD TECH) M.P.C STREAM ONLY NRI/IN LIEU OF NRI UG ADMISSIONS B.Sc(HONS) AGRICULTURE B.SC (HONS) COMMUNITY SCIENCE POSTGRADUATE / Ph.D AGRICET-2023 ADMISSION INTO B.Sc(HONS.) AGRICULTURE NRI/NRI SPONSORED PG ADMISSIONS SFQ-MBA(ABM) ADMISSIONS Contact Address Administrative Office Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University Lam- 522 034 Guntur (Dist), Andhra Pradesh Phone- 0863-2347101 Email-