Andhra Kesari University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Admission Open 2023

Andhra Kesari University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

About Andhra Kesari University

Andhra Kesari University is a significant educational institution in the country, founded as the first residential and teaching-cum-affiliating university primarily focused on post-graduate teaching and research.

It holds a special place in the hearts of the people of the state, as it was established after a prolonged and collective struggle by the Telugu elite for a university in the educationally deprived northern Circars and Ceded districts of the former Madras Presidency.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a former President of India, served as one of the Vice-Chancellors of the University after succeeding Dr. C. R. Reddy in 1931. The University College of Arts was established on July 1, 1931, and began offering courses in Telugu language and literature, History, Economics, and Politics.

Andhra Kesari University Achievement

The following year, the College of Science and Technology was founded, offering Honours courses in Physics and Chemistry. The University was a pioneer in introducing numerous new courses in Science, Arts, Management, and Engineering throughout the country.

The leaders at the university have always believed that investing in higher education is the best way to achieve excellence for the country.

To set high standards for teaching and research, they enlisted the services of renowned educationists like Dr. S. Bhagavantham, Professor Humayan Kabir, Dr. T.R. Seshadri, Professor Hiren Mukherjee, and Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao, among others.

The university has produced many accomplished alumni, including Nobel Laureate C V Raman and Padmavibhushan Prof. C R Rao, who were instrumental in laying the foundations for research in physics and statistics, respectively.

Under the guidance of successive vice-chancellors, the university has been quick to respond to global challenges and is currently offering a range of new courses that are relevant and contemporary.

Since its establishment in 1926, Andhra Kesari University has been dedicated to fulfilling the educational needs and addressing the sociological issues of the region.

Andhra Kesari University teaching and research

The university strives to maintain high standards in teaching and research, promoting character development and growth among students, supporting community development programs, fostering leadership skills in young men and women, and instilling a sense of responsibility to become good citizens. The university is committed to achieving excellence in all areas.

The University consistently evaluates itself to maintain high standards and meet its goals. It underwent assessment and accreditation by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in April 2002 to ensure quality in higher education.

The Peer Committee assessed the institution’s strengths and weaknesses and awarded it an ‘A’ grade, with the highest percentage among the State Universities of Andhra Pradesh. The University implemented a successful Quality Management System and was the first general University in the country to receive ISO 9001: 2000 Certification in 2006.

The university has 25 research centers/institutions on campus, such as the Agro-The Economic Research Centre, Centre for Religious Studies, Centre for Women’s Studies, Institute of Public Sector Management, Delta Studies Institute, Institute for Yoga and Population Research Centre, And Consciousness.

Andhra Kesari University campus

The Andhra Kesari University is located on a vast campus spanning 422 acres. It boasts 121 buildings for academic, administrative, and support purposes, covering a total area of approximately 20 lakhs sq. ft. Additionally, the campus has 324 staff quarters and caters to the educational needs of five districts in Andhra Pradesh, namely Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Vizinagaram, and Srikakulam.

Andhra Kesari University hostels

The university provides accommodation for students in 23 men’s hostels with a capacity of over 3200 students and 10 women’s hostels with a capacity of over 2000 students.

There are also two hostels specifically designed for foreign students. Furthermore, the university has two residential health centers, a dispensary, four guest houses, a central canteen, four canteens in various locations, a press and publication division, women’s waiting halls, a faculty club, and schools for employees and children.

Andhra Kesari University Student Services and Welfare

There are various student services and welfare centers on campus, including a post and telegraph office, banking facilities, a University employment and guidance bureau, a training and placement center, and a sports complex with a gymnasium hall.

The academic facilities at the university include the Academic Staff College, Computer Centre, and Press and Publications division.

Andhra Kesari University Distance Education

The university started a school of distance education on the campus in 1972. It offers courses ranging from certificate to postgraduate and professional courses.

Presently, the School of Distance Education offers 4 UG programs, 18 PG programs, 5 certification courses, 9 PG diploma courses, 15 professional courses, and 7 collaborative courses through distance education mode.

The school has 35 study centers across the state, and the enrollment in UG, PG, and professional programs is about 80,000 students. The school has 23 permanent faculty and is equipped with the latest infrastructure.

Andhra Kesari University  faculty

The university has a well-experienced and expert faculty, with 354 professors, 198 associate professors, and 115 assistant professors serving the university. The university regularly organizes international and national events. The university employs more than 2,500 support staff.

The university’s alumni occupy important positions in government administration, industry, and research organizations within and outside the country.

The professors of the university have been appointed as chairman and vice-chairman of the APSCHE by the government of Andhra Pradesh, and presently, ten universities have vice-chancellors from the Andhra Kesari University.

Affiliated colleges

There are 365 affiliated colleges spread across five districts under the territorial jurisdiction of Andhra Kesari University. The enrolment in Affiliated Colleges is about one Lakh

Andhra Kesari University University has recently organized

From January 3rd to 7th, 2008, the University hosted the 95th session of the Indian Science Congress. Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh inaugurated the Congress and praised the University as magnificent and the event’s organization. Andhra Kesari University has 365 affiliated colleges across five districts, with an enrollment of approximately 100,000 students.

Andhra Kesari University Presenting Courses

The University currently offers 313 courses in a variety of subjects including Arts, Commerce, Management, Science & Technology, Engineering, Law, Pharmacy, and Education. It comprises five constituent colleges and four AU campuses.

The College of Arts and Commerce is the largest constituent college, offering 42 courses across 26 departments, including four diploma courses. The College of Science and Technology offers 63 courses through 21 departments, including one PG Diploma.

The College of Engineering provides undergraduate, postgraduate, and research programs through its 15 departments. The College of Law has been recognized as an advanced center in Law by UGC.

The College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the first of its kind in South India, offers one UG program and six PG programs, along with research programs leading to a Ph.D. degree.

The AU campus at Kakinada (East Godavari District) has five departments, the AU Campus at Etcherla (Srikakulam Dist) has eleven departments, the AU Campus at Tadepalli Gudem has four departments, and the AU Campus at Vizianagaram has five Departments.

Andhra Kesari University Post Graduate Courses

M.A. English

M.A. Hindi

M.A. Sanskrit

M.A. Telugu


B.Ed. Special Education (One-year duration)




M.A. Applied Economics

M.A. Economics

M.A./M.Sc. Quantitative Economics

M.A. Adult & Continuing Education

M.A. Ancient History & Archaeology

M.A. History

M.A. Politics

M.Phil. Counseling Psychology

M.A. Public Administration

M.A. Sociology

M.A. Psychology

M.A./M.Sc. Anthropology


M.A. Social Work

B.F.A. (4 years duration)

M.A. Philosophy

M.A. Music

M.A. Dance (Self Finance)

M.Ed. Special Education


M.B.A. Retail Management

M.Phil / Ph.D.

M.Phil. Clinical Psychology.

2 Year M.P.Ed. degree course

B.P.A. (4 Years)

5-year Integrated Course in M.S. Economics.

M.A. in Yoga and Consciousness

Master of Finance & Control (Self-finance) (2009-10)

Master of Hospital Administration (2009-10)

Master of Hospital Administration course


Andhra Kesari University Diploma Courses


PGD- Functional Hindi & Translation

PGD- Yoga

PGD- English (Language and Linguistics)

PGD- Women’s Studies

Diploma in French

Diploma Course in Capital Markets

P.G. Diploma in Retail Management

P.G. Diploma in Financial Services

Diploma in Annamacharya Krithis.

One Year Diploma in Kuchipudi Nrutya Praveshika.

Andhra Kesari University Certificate courses


Certificate Course in Acting (3 months).

3-month certificate course in Music.

Certificate Course in Make-Up (3 months).

Certificate Course in Music (3 months).


                          Andhra Kesari University COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING


Andhra Kesari University UG courses in Engineering

B.E. Civil Engineering

B.E. Civil Environmental

B.E. Mech. with Marine Engineering elective

B.E. Mechanical Engineering

B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering

B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

B.Tech. Computer Science and Systems Engineering

B.E. Metallurgical Engineering

B.E. Marine Engineering

B.E. Naval Architecture

B.Tech. Instrumentation Engineering

B.Tech. Chemical Engineering

B.Tech. Geo-informatics

B.Tech. Ceramic Technology


B.Tech. Biotechnology

Bachelor Electorial Mechanical Engineering

PG Diploma in Condition Monitoring Course A.U.

Andhra Kesari University PG courses in Engineering


M.E. Environmental Engineering & Management

M.E. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

M.E. Machine Design

M.E. Heat Transfer in Energy System


M.Tech. Technology Forecasting

M.E. Control System

M.E. Power System & Automation

M.E. Marine Engineering & Mechanical Handling

M.Tech. Computer Science & Technology

M.Tech. Information Technology

M.Tech. Chemical Engineering

M.Tech. Mineral Processing Engineering

M.Tech. Biotechnology

M.Tech. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering

M.Tech. Geo-Engineering

M.Tech Industrial Process Instrumentation.

M.Tech. Communication Systems.

M.C.A. (Master of Computer Applications)

M.Planning (Environmental)

M.Tech Programme in Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering

M.Tech. (CST with specialization in Computer Engineering)

M.Tech. (CST with specialization in Information Technology)

M.Tech. (CST with specialization in Bio-informatics)

M.Tech. (CST with specialization in Computer Networks)

M.Tech. Transportation Engineering

M.Tech. Industrial Pollution Control Engineering.

M.Tech. Bio-informatics

M.E. Water Resources & GIS

5-year Integrated course in M.S. Applied Chemistry

M.E. Industrial Engineering

M.Tech. (VLSI) Course (offered by SVP Engg. College, P.M. Palem, Visakhapatnam 2009-10 batch)

M.E. (Industrial Metallurgy)

M.E. Construction Technology and Project Management

M.E. Structural Engineering/Natural Disaster Management

M.E. Hydraulic and Coastal Harbour Engineering

M.Tech Radar and Microwave Engineering

M.Tech. Electronics Instrumentation Engineering

M.Tech. (Bio-medical Engineering)


Andhra Kesari University Self Finance Courses in Engineering

M.Tech. Industrial Pollution Control Engineering.

M.Tech. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering

M.Tech. Nano-technology

M.Tech. Bio-informatics

M.Tech. (CST with specialization in A1 Robotics)

M.Tech. Computer Networks

M.E. Transport Engineering

M.E. Water Resources & GIS

5-year Integrated course M.S. Soft Ware Engineering

5-year Integrated course in M.S. Information Technology

M.S. Software & M.S. Signal Processing Engineering

M.S. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology


M.E. Industrial Engineering (2007-08 BATCH)

M.E. Construction Technology and Project Management

M.E. Structural Engineering/Natural Disaster Management

M.E. Hydraulic and Coastal Harbour Engineering

M.Tech Radar and Microwave Engineering

M.Tech. Electronics Instrumentation Engineering

M.Tech. (Remote Sensing)

M.Tech. Bio-medical Engineering)

M.S. (EEE)

Computer Science, M.S. (CSIT) 2007 – 2008 and M.S. (ECE) 2010 – 2011

Andhra Kesari University


M.Sc. Statistics

M.Sc. Applied Mathematics

M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics

M.Sc. Physics

M.Sc. Space Physics

M.Sc. Nuclear Physics

M.Sc. Meteorology

M.Sc. Physical Oceanography

M.Sc.(Tech.) Geophysics (3 years duration)

M.Sc. Marine Geophysics

M.Sc. Hydrology

M.Sc. Biochemistry

M.Sc. Biotechnology

M.Sc. Agricultural Biotechnology

M.Sc. Horticulture

M.Sc. Chemistry with the following specializations (Organic Chemistry, and analysis of Foods, Drugs, and water, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Bio-Inorganic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Marine Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Environmental Chemistry)

M.Sc. Applied Chemistry

M.Sc. Environmental Sciences

M.Sc. Microbiology

M.Sc. Botany

M.Sc. Zoology

M.Sc. Marine Biology and Fisheries

M.Sc. Coastal Aquaculture & Marine Biotechnology

M.Sc. Marine Biotechnology

M.Sc. Computer Science & Statistics

M.Sc. Human Genetics

M.Sc. Molecular Genetics

M.Sc. Geology

M.Sc. Marine Geology

M.Sc. (Tech.) Applied Geology (3 years duration)

M.Sc. (Tech.) Electronics & Instrumentation

M.Sc. (Tech.) DSP. & ESD. (Very large scale Integration Design)

M.Sc. (Tech.) VSLI Design

M.Sc. Fishery Science

M.Sc. Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics

M.Sc. Geography

M.Sc. Anthropology

5-year Integrated course in M.S. Geology

M.Tech. Petroleum Exploration

M.Tech. Atmospheric Science.

M.Tech. Oceanic Science

M.S. Molecular Biology (2-year Programme)


  1. D.Pharmacy
  2. B.Pharmacy
  3. M.Pharma.

Andhra Kesari University COLLEGE OF LAW



5-year Integrated LLB Degree Course

UG Courses  Affiliated with Andhra Kesari University




B.Sc. Home Science




5 Year Integrated Course in B.A. (OL)


B.Com. Customer Service Management (through S.D.E.)

B.Sc. Food Technology

B.Sc. Hotel Management & Catering Technology.

B.Sc. (Botany, Chemistry & Nutrition and Dietetics)

B.Sc. (Food Science and Nutrition)

Bachelor in Hotel Management & Catering Science


F2PV+3G2, Ramnagar, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh 523001

 (+91) 0800 12345