UPSC Exam 2023-24

UPSC Exam 2023-24-

                Union Public Service Commission

UPSC Exam 2023-24  ( Sangh Lok Seva Ayog ), commonly abbreviated as UPSC, is India’s leading concentration for the recruitment of all civil servants of Group ‘A’ under the Government of India. It is a type of recruitment agency. It is responsible for appointing and investigating all Group ‘A’ posts in all central government agencies. This includes all central public sector enterprises and all central government bodies. Human Resources and Training Department is India’s central personnel agency.

The Charter of the Institution is granted by Part 14 of the Indian Constitution entitled to Services under the Commonwealth and States. The commission is constitutionally required for appointment to the Union and All India Services. Also required to consult the government on matters relating to appointments, transfers, promotions, and disciplinary actions.

Commissions report directly to the President and can advise the Government through the President. But, such advice is not binding on the government.

As a constitutional authority, the UPSC is one of the few autonomous and freely functioning bodies, along with the country’s higher judicial bodies and, more recently, the Electoral Commission.

The Commission is headquartered in Her Dholpur House, New Delhi, and operates through its own secretariat. Dr. Manoj Soni, from April 5, 2022, is the UPSC Chair.

In corporate on 1, October 1926 as Public Service Board, later reinstated as Federal Public Service Board by the Government of India Act 1935.

After independence, it was only renamed to what it is today, the Federal  Public  Service Commission.



The Royal Commission on Distinguished Public Service of India was established in 1923 by the British Government under the chairmanship of Lord Lee of Fareham.

The Commission, with equal numbers of Indian and British members, submitted a report in 1924 recommending the establishment of a Civil Service  Commission.

The Lee Commission proposed that the candidates be 40% British, 40% directly recruited Indians and 20% Indians promoted through state services.

This resulted in the establishment of the First Public Service Commission on 1 October 1926, chaired by Sir Ross Barker.

The Public Service Commission was given a limited advisory role, and freedom movement leaders continued to emphasize this aspect, leading to the establishment of the Federal Public Service Commission under the Government of India Act, of 1935.

Federal Public Service Commission became the Federal Public Service Commission after independence. It gained constitutional status through the Constitution of India on 26 January 1950.


Constitutional Status

Articles 315 through 323 of Part XIV of the Constitution, entitled “Federal and State Services,” provide for federal and state civil service commissions.

Therefore, according to Article 315, there is a Federal Public Service Commission at the federal level. The UPSC is one of the few autonomous and freely functioning bodies, along with the country’s higher judicial bodies and more recently the  Electoral  Commission.



Under Section 316, the Chairman and other members of the Federal Civil Service Commission are appointed by the President.  If the post of Chair becomes vacant, the Chair’s duties shall be filled by one of the other members of the Committee that the Chair may appoint for that purpose.

Moreover, almost half of the members of the Commission are said to have served at least ten years under the Government of India or any state government at the time of their respective appointments.

A member of the Federal Civil Service Commission shall hold office for six years from the date of her appointment or until she reaches the age of 65,  whichever is earlier.

According to Section 318, the President has the power to determine the number of Commission members and their term of office.

It can also stipulate the number of staff on the committee and their working conditions. Nor may the Terms of Service be changed adversely after the appointment.

According to Article 319, a person holding the office of the chairman may not be reappointed to that office once his term of office has expired. However, any member other than the Chairman of the Federal Civil Service Board may be appointed as Chairman of the Federal Civil Service Board or Chairman of the State Civil Service Board, but not to the Government of India or any other employment under it. not appointed. any state government. The Chairman of the National Civil Service Commission may also be appointed as Chairman or another member of the Federal Civil Service Commission.

Dismissal and Suspension 317

The Chairman or other member of the Public Service Commission may, by order of the President only after the Supreme Court has ruled that the Chairman or other such member should be removed from an inquiry by the President, They can be dismissed on the grounds of “misbehavior.” The President may suspend the Chair or any other member of the Commission pending the Supreme Court’s report.

The Chairman may also remove the Chairman or any other member of: or he engages in paid non-duty employment for the duration of his term.


• In the President’s opinion, mental or physical illness makes him unfit to continue in office.

• Chairpersons or other members may not hold commercial positions.

Features according to item number. 320

The Federal Civil Service Commission is obliged to examine appointments to federal service. It also assists in the development and implementation of joint adoption plans for all services as requested by two or more states.

The Federal Civil Service Commission has been consulted on: o Candidate’s eligibility for such appointment, promotion, or transfer

• Disciplinary proceedings against public officials, including warnings or petitions related to such matters.

• against a claim by or relating to a person who is or has served as a public official in connection with any action taken in the execution of any act done or alleged; all costs incurred by him in defending legal proceedings. If carried out, his obligations should be paid out of the Indian Consolidation Fund.

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